Minimum Standards of Plot Cultivation

It is essential that the site is kept well cultivated. This enhances the pleasure and satisfaction that we all get from being part of a tidy and attractive, prize-winning allotment site. Please follow the rules laid out below to ensure that this continues.

The majority of the plot should be available for cultivation the rest being allocated to sheds and or greenhouse/poly tunnels, compost bins etc.
The majority of the plot should be fully cultivated within a complete growing season (March to October).
Full cultivation means:
1.      The plot is in readiness for growing
2.      The plot is well stocked with growing produce relevant to the time  of year
3.      The plot is in the process of being prepared for the following crops or season.

Plots must be kept weed free. Weed seed-heads should be removed before they have set. Pernicious weeds such as bindweed, couch grass, brambles etc should be controlled before they have spread. Long grass, which may harbour slugs, snails etc., should be removed

Plastic sheeting or similar such as weed suppressant material, but not carpet, can be used during the Winter period to cover previously cultivated ground. It should be removed during the growing season.

Paths should be kept trimmed and free of obstructions. Avoid large drops off the sides of the paths. Try to maintain a level surface and remove growth that obstructs use of the path.

The fertility of the soil should be maintained. This can be achieved by incorporating manure or other organic material i.e garden compost.

Your plot should be used to grow fruit, vegetables, herbs and a variety of flowers if space allows.

If you need any help or advice with your plot please contact a committee member.

There is in place a regular programme of plot inspections by the committee.

Remember you may lose your plot if you fail to maintain a good standard of cultivation.