2024 Planner

FEBRUARY8th Committee Meeting *
18th Competition potatoes available at £1 - mark seed drills clearly with white stick
MARCH Competition Sunflower seeds for sale £1/competition entry (contact Allan Redfern plot 42). You may also enter plants that you have grown from your own seed in the competitions, provided you have paid your entrance fee (£1 for each competition). Entries must be in by June 30th.
7thCommittee Meeting
7thCompetition plants available
17thShed open for sales (10.30am to 12.30pm on Sunday) until 9th June
1stWater back on
11th Committee Meeting
9th Committee Meeting
19thPlant Sale
21st AGM 8.00pm
JUNE9thSunday shed rota finishes. After this date please contact a committee member.
13th Committee meeting
30thSchedules available for both shows
JULY11th Committee meeting
13th Entry forms for Early Summer Show must be handed in by 1.00pm
14th Early Summer Show
AUGUST8thCommittee meeting
10th Entry forms for Late Summer Show must be handed in by 1.00pm
11th Late Summer Show - also, judging of "Best Floral Display Area"
17thBDAC Annual Show - Bordesley Green.
SEPTEMBER15thPotato Dig, Tallest sunflower competition and Biggest Sunflower Head measuring 10.30am
14th/15th Site tidy-up
19th Committee meeting
OCTOBERPlot rent for the coming year is now due
10thCommittee meeting
15th Plot Luck Supper & Award Presentation Night. (Bring food made from produce grown on your plot.). Competition trophies and awards during the evening. Club open 6.30/6.45 - food available 7.00pm.
20thPlot Rental collection (from 1pm to 2pm in the clubhouse)
NOVEMBERBonfires are permitted this month for burning diseased materials
1stWater turned off
14thCommittee meeting